Ze Fan Art - Tex (Manga)

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As the title suggests, this section contains fan cels based on manga images. Or fanart done in a sort of modified "manga style" that I've adapted from screencaps or other sources. Overall, I really like the look of this type of artwork. I find the heavy blacks to be very graphic and dramatic, and I love the high contrast to it. I also enjoy the challenge of trying to get the basic look of the image I want by using only one color.


 Aya, Ken

 Omi, Yohji

 Heero, Relena

 Tsuzuki, Hisoka




 Goku, Hakaryu

 Hakkai, Goku, Hazel, Gato



 Sanzo, Kamisama


 Kaname, Yuki, Zero

 Zero, Yuki

 Sanosuke, Kenshin




 Weiss 2

 Weiss 1

 Manga Style 6: Saiyuki, Gojyo

 Manga Style 5: Darkstalkers, Bulleta
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Curator: tex-chan
Gallery Created: 4/7/2004
Hits: 102422
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