Black Blood Brothers

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Searching for Something ...

I originally watched Black Blood Brothers at the urging of a couple of anime/cel/sketch collecting buds. I had not heard much about it, although I had seen artwork here and there, and was quite attracted to the designs and overall style. So, when I happened upon what appeared to be a complete box set for a very good price, I decided to grab it and give the show a try.

I loved it instantly. I can't quite say what one thing attracted me to the show. The artwork ... the characters and plot development ... the overall story line ... the relationships and sense of drama ... all of it just drew me right in. And that's no easy task, considering this show was almost painfully short. Oh, how I wish there had been many, many, many more episodes for me to enjoy!

Basically, Black Blood Brothers is the story of Jiroh and Kataro, two vampire "brothers" who travel from an isolated sanctuary to a special district in Tokyo, where vampires and humans live in peace with each other. Jiroh is a veteran (and well-known hero) of the horrible vampire wars in Hong Kong, which occurred when a new race of vampires emerged, determined to eradicate not only humans but all other vampires, as well. Jiroh's motives in taking Kantaro to this special place seem innocent enough in the beginning, but he quickly realizes the vampiric threat he faced so many years ago still exists. And, it seems he was drawn to the special zone, at least in part, to fight this battle once more.

Favorite Character: Jiroh

 More Vampy Snarls ...

 Snarly ... and KEWT (!!)

 And More Pretty Kelly Wong ...

 Lovely ...

 Fangy Smile ...

 Innocent ...??
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Curator: tex-chan
Gallery Created: 4/7/2004
Hits: 102424
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