Virus Buster Serge - The Ladies

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Sassy, Sexy, and Smart ...

These ladies definitely have it all. From a never-ending amount of spunk ... to drop-dead sex appeal ... to the brains that put them on an equal footing with the big boys. The ladies of Virus are definitely way more than just pretty faces.

Mirei is S.T.A.N.D.'s computer genius. She can hack into anything, and is the sole operator of the team's air transport, The Razorback. She's quick on the draw, cute as a button, and full of plucky spunk. Definitely one chick you do not want to mess with. Mirei seems very fond of Jouichiro, and she is rather a little sister figure to Erika. Her role is vital to S.T.A.N.D., and I don't think the team could function without her.

Erika is out there in the trenches, taking on Virus and kicking butt with the rest of the guys. She's drop-dead gorgeous, and it would be easy to discount her as nothing more than eye candy. But, doing so would be a mistake. She is a strong fighter, and she can dish it out just as well as any of the guys. A tough cookie on the outside, Erika has a heart of gold and a very feminine side, although she keeps both hidden. She seems content to keep the rest of the world at a safe distance, although she is genuinely fond of Mirei. Erika finds a kindred spirit in Serge, and quickly falls in love with him.

Donna is something of a mystery throughout the show. When we meet her, she is nothing more than the physical manifestation of S.T.A.N.D.'s AI, but, through flashbacks, we learn she has a long and twisted history, connecting her to both Raven and Serge. By the end of the show, she is revealed as a fairly tragic character, although Serge finally manages to lay her spirit to rest in his last battle with Virus.


 Space Closeup ... (ep. unknown)

 Falling ... (ep. unknown)

 Closeup Beauty (ep. unknown)...

 Through Space and Time (ep. unknown)...

 Mirei (OP) ...

 Fangy Smile ... (ep 2?)
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Gallery Created: 4/7/2004
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