Saiyuki - Gensoumaden - The Boyz
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The road trip from hell ...
I never road-tripped much when I was in college. But, I imagine it would be something like this. You know ... seemed like a good idea at the time (or maybe not, but, at least a bearable means to an end), until, one day, you look around and realize you're stuck in a small, cramped space with three other people who, by this time, you know so well you can't decide if you love 'em or hate 'em. The Sanzo-ikkou fall into that camp a bit better than most, being on one long, seemingly never-ending road trip, complete with ciggies, plenty of beer, and the occasional unexpected pit stop for food, or, more likely, a nice, good fight to get the blood pumping. At times, the only thing that seems to keep these guys from killing each other is the fact that they have to band together to stay alive, and, even that might not be enough if they weren't able to expend their anger and frustration in almost-constant rounds of demon trashing. Still, no matter how much they might want to deny it, there's a connection between these guys. They are together for eternity and beyond, and that's the way it works best.
So ... in honor of anyone who has ever felt the call of the open road ... I give you the road trip from hell. Be afraid ... be very afraid.
**Note: I try to keep these sections in episode order, as much as I can. So, any sketches from unknown episodes appear at the back of the section, until I manage to identify and get episode information for them. **