Voltage Fighter Gowkaiser

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Voltage Fighter Gowkaiser is about ... Well, I'm not really too sure, actually. Oh, don't get me wrong -- I've seen the show ... twice. Sadly, the plot is full of holes big enough to drive a Hummer through -- and I'm talking the original Hummer, not the wimpy, new H2 or H3. Anyhow ... in the interest of trying to stick with my plan of giving information on the shows in my omake section ... let me try to sum up. Let's see ... all the main characters are at this special school. I guess it's like a fighting school or a school for anime-style super heroes or something, because everyone here knows how to fight. And, everyone is expected to fight. The students fight each other, they fight their teachers ... yadda, yadda, yadda. Then, there is this head-master guy who is possessed by some kind of creeping-stink evil that makes him want to take over the world. How he expects to do that when he's just the headmaster at a very strange school is beyond me. I mean, sure, these kids are anime heros in the making, but, still ... he's just the headmaster. Can you say paper pusher? Anyhow, the headmaster's creeping-stink evil wants to take over the world ... except the headmaster isn't exactly on board with this plan. So, when the students realize he's taking over the world and decide to band together to stop him, he rather cheers them on. Yeah ... he's a bit ... conflicted. Oh, and how do the students realize their headmaster is bent on world domination? (Or maybe it's world destruction ... the lines blur, really) Well, that's easy. A transfer student shows up and tells them so. Now, if only real life came with a built-in guide to point out the bad guys ... we'd all be set, eh? In the end, a small band of students, led by Isato Kaiser, go head-to-head with the principal 'o' doom ... and, they win! The world is saved ... I think ...?

So, yeah ... that's Gowkaiser, in a nutshell. No story ... but a lot of anime fun ... and pretty, pretty art. Whoop!

 Kash ...

 Pretty, Pretty Kyosuke!

 Voltage Fighter Gowkaiser: Isato Kaiser

 Kyosuke Shigure

Curator: tex-chan
Gallery Created: 4/7/2004
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