Flame of Recca - Others

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And ... Everyone Else ...

Oh, look -- an "Others" section for Flame of Recca. Yeah, yeah, I know: "Very original, Tex-chan (NOT!)" Well, sometimes, even the most sqweely of fangirls lack originality.


Or, perhaps they lack originality precisely because they are "sqweely" fangirls. Hmmm ... Does a tree falling in the woods make any sound if no one is around to hear it? o.O


*ahem* Psuedo-philosophical debates aside ... this is, as the name would imply, my section of "Other" characters for Flame of Recca. Basically, anyone without enough cels to warrant their own section ends up in here.

Poor things -- tossed into the "others" bin like yesterday's trash.


Wait a minnit! That's not so. *gloms her "others" cels. I love you guys, I do, I really, really do! *gloms cels some more* It's just an organizational thing. Yeah, that's it ... organizational.


*ahem* O.O

 Worried? Happy??

 Prayers ... (Ep. 3)

 Stop!! (Ep. 3)

 Surprise ... (Ep. 3)

 Domon being ... Domon >.< (Ep. 14)

 Trapped! (Ep. 26)
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