Saiyuki - Requiem

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Requiem is the Saiyuki movie. In the interest of honesty, I have to come out and say I've only watched it once -- quite some time ago. Thus, I don't remember exactly what it's about at the moment. I do recall it being rather dark, both in setting and in storyline. And, I recall thinking it seemed more like an extended episode of the show than an actual "movie" -- which, really, was just fine with me, considering how much I love Saiyuki in all its forms. And, I think the past comes home (with its bags packed for a long stay, so to speak) for all of our boys during this film. Other than that, commentary regarding the movie itself will have to wait until I have time to rewatch it and screencap this artwork.

I never expected to have Requiem artwork in my gallery. I never even dreamed of it. I just hadn't seen that much of it available. I was thrilled beyond measure to find this lot of sketches on Yahoo Japan, and even more thrilled to snag them for the opening bid.

*wanders off to the Bish Closet to do the happeh dance*






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Curator: tex-chan
Gallery Created: 4/7/2004
Hits: 102422
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