Ze Fan Art - Uende

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Uende has that "something something" that she portrays in all her artwork. You know what I mean. That something special ... something sexy ... something emotional ... something that lets you connect with her work in a very personal way. If I had just a smidge of her talent ... well, I'd probably run around doing something bad, like trying to take over the world. Which is only one small reason why such incredible talent went to Uende, who uses it for the greater good -- creating beautiful artwork for the rest of us to enjoy.

I feel so privileged to include some of Uende's art here. If I'm very lucky, I hope to gather some more of her work in the future. In the meantime, I'll just oggle and luv what I have. Thanks so much, Uen-chan! *hugs*

Be sure to visit Stubborn Mule Images to see more of Uende's incredible artwork. You won't be sorry!

 Dyre: Original Character designed by Uende

 Christmas Prezzie! Weiss Kreuz: Aya Fujimiya

 Aya Sketch ...

 Final Fantasy: Vincent Valentine

 Getbackers: Ban Midou

Curator: tex-chan
Gallery Created: 4/7/2004
Hits: 102424
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