Tex's Faves

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This section started out as a bit of an experiment. Mainly, I decided to put it together because I was bored and avoiding other work that was calling my name at the time. But, I've decided I like it. It's a fun section and, I think, kind of a fun gallery addition, too.

So, as the title indicates, this is a little showcase of my favorite cels. These may not necessarily be "the best" cels out of my collection. But they are my favorites ... the ones I always visit when I pull out my cel books or look into my online gallery ... the cels that are closest to my heart.

Originally, I was only going to list ten, since it's such a nice, round number. But, the page looked too unbalanced with two empty spaces at the bottom ... so I decided to do twelve, instead. I figured twelve should be more than sufficient. But, then, my collection continued to grow ... and grow. (Which, really, is a little bit scary >.O) In the end, I gave in and decided to go whole hog and showcase 24, total, especially since I just seem to add new favorites while still maintaining my loyalty to the "old" ones. This is probably why I'm such a hoarder. *nervous laugh*

I didn't list these in any particular order; I just arranged them in a way I found aesthetically pleasing.

So, anyhow, for better or worse, good or ill ... these are my favorite cels. I hope you will enjoy them, too.

 Weiss Kreuz: Aya OP Cel

 Weiss Kreuz OVA: Aya

 Weiss Kreuz: Aya (and Sakura, too)

 Weiss Kreuz: Aya Eyecatch

 Weiss Kreuz: Yohji

 Weiss Kreuz: Aya OP Cel

 Weiss Kreuz: Crawford, Farf, Aya

 Orphen: Orphen

 Orphen: Cleao

 VHD: Fangy D

 VHD: Charlotte


 Nightwalker: Riho

 Nightwalker: Human Shido

 Darkstalkers: Donovan

 Rurouni Kenshin: Kenshin OP Cel

 Five Star Stories: Clotho

 Tenshi ni Narumon: Sara

 Tenshi ni Narumon: Mikael & Raphael

 CCS: Yue

 Card Captor Sakura: Sakura & Kero (Wishlist)

 CCS: Jump!

 IY: Inu Caught!

 IY: Kagome Movie Cel

Curator: tex-chan
Gallery Created: 4/7/2004
Hits: 102422
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