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Gravitation follows the rather complicated, angsty romance of Shuichi Shindo, the lead singer for a rock group called Bad Luck, and Yuki Eiri, a famous romance novelist. While in the park one night, trying to work out some lyrics to a new song, Shuichi happens to run into Yuki, who is out for a walk and a smoke. The wind blows Shuichi's lyrics away, and, after he catches them, Yuki reads them and tells Shuichi to find a new job because his lyrics suck. Shuichi can't believe this guy would be so rude as to say something like that to him, so he ends up, basically, following Yuki around. His goal is to get him to apologize ... but, it turns out the two have a lot more in common than first appeared. What is this force that seems to be pulling them together ... could it be Gravitation?
Normally, I'm not a huge yaoi fan. *tex-chan runs for cover from yaoi fangirls*
Not that there's anything wrong with it. I'm not in the least "bothered" by it, but I just don't turn to that genre of show for my first choice in anime viewing, if that makes sense. But, every so often, a show comes along that's kind of sort of ... special. Gravitation is one of those shows for me.
I loved everything about Gravitation. The story is funny and more than a bit silly. The relationship between Yuki and Shuichi, the two main characters, is rife with drama-queen, school-girl angst (mostly on Shuichi's part). But, at the same time, somehow, it manages to transcend all that and also have a tenor of sweetness to it as it explores the question of whether or not you're "destined" to love one specific person, no matter how different you are. The friendship between Shuichi and Hiro is amazing --- an unbreakable bond that makes them the best rock band ever. Top all that with a crazy, gun-toting American manager, a producer given to sudden panic attacks and crying fits, and a true "rock god" who carries a stuffed bunny ... and well ... you have Gravitation. A show about love and hate and the zoo that is humanity, full of zaniness and tenderness ... and one of my favorite shows of all time. The only thing I have against it is that it was so darn short!
Considering the dearth of available Gravitation art ... this section probably won't grow. But, I have hope.