Shaman King

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I'm rather at a loss for words to describe Shaman King at the moment. Probably because it's almost 3 AM and I'm closing in on yet another sleepless night. But ... let me give it a try ...

In a nutshell, SK follows the adventures of Yoh Asakura as he struggles to win the Great Shaman Smack Down and become King of Shamans. Yet, such a simple explanation hardly seems enough for what quickly became one of my favorite animes of all time. The artwork, at first glance, seems simplistic. And yet, some of the character designs have a staggering amount of depth and detail. Even at its simplest, I find the artwork in Shaman King to be quite appealing. I think it is the simplicity that makes it beautiful. The characters have an edge and a depth that can be hard to find in anime. The friendships and sacrifices are real, as are the character's struggles -- even as they take place against an obviously imaginary backdrop. A creative story line ... fantastic character development ... and simple, beautiful artwork. What's not to love about this show?

 Hunka, Hunka Samurai Luv!

 The cape makes the man ...

 Ready to rumble ...

 Hang tough, dude ...

 The hair makes the man ...

 Pretty much, a bad day ...

Curator: tex-chan
Gallery Created: 4/7/2004
Hits: 102424
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