
Well, if you made it to this page, I guess you have some passing interest in what makes Tex-chan tick. That ... or you've got a lot of time on your hands.

Either way ... CAPTIVE AUDIENCE!!! *insert evil laughter*

Ahem ... Just kidding. So, it's a story you're after, eh. Well, all right.

I was born in a little log cabin at the edge of the woods ...

Oh, wait ... wrong story ... *sweatdrop*

All kidding aside, I'm not really sure how I "got into" collecting cels. I loved anime as a kid, although, back then, I really had no clue what it was. Also, the offerings available for my viewing pleasure were pretty slim pickings. Still, I took Voltron, G Force, and Speed Racer over Scooby and Co. any day of the week. Then, I grew up and forgot about anime. But, it seems anime didn't forget about me.

As an adult, I discovered Ronin Warriors, when it aired on Cartoon Network. I was hooked back in immediately ... and big-time, since I was grown and now had that most wonderful of all commodities: DISPOSABLE INCOME. Let's just say I did my best to make up for the anime-less years of my mis-spent youth by watching everything I could get my hands on, and my DVD collection began to take on a life of its own. As of this writing (May 2010), I believe I have somewhere in the neighborhood of 800+ anime DVDs in my collection, and it is still growing. (which is more than a little skeery, really. o.o)

My husband gave me my first cel several years ago. And, a month or two after receiving that gift from him, I made my first cel purchase -- a cel of Mikagami from Flame of Recca. Still, back then, I didn't give much thought to cels. I was too busy expanding my DVD and action figure collections.

But, really, I suppose cels were the next logical step for my anime-addicted mind. I don't think the otaku in me could have left them alone forever. It was just fate ... an addiction lying dormant, awaiting that "perfect time" to make its presence felt.

That "perfect time" occurred in Feb. 2004. And, from there, my cel collection and my addiction have grown as my bank account has shriveled. Now, when I meet the mail carrier at the door and bound up the stairs with those packages of new celluloid darlings in my hands, giggling like a school girl all the way, my hubby just shakes his head. He often looks a bit sad ... no doubt thinking of the hard-earned money clutched in my eager mitts. I always make a point to stop and remind him that all this happiness started out with that first cel I got from him -- the gift that keeps on giving.

On some level ... I'm sure that brings him a lot of joy.

I am no longer actively collecting cels, and I have not participated in the hobby for a number of years. I still love everything in my collection, and I still enjoy visiting my gallery and the cel images I have saved on my computer. These bits of painted plastic continue to bring me a lot of joy!


Curator: tex-chan
Gallery Created: 4/7/2004
Hits: 102422
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